Thursday 28 July 2011

Typical Birthday

WOW my  birthday was shitey. Firstly my mum only wrapped 2 of my presents so it was just like here is a pile of books and a blender knock yersel' out. Then everyone fell asleep when I was unwrapping my two presents. Then I booked tickets for Bridesmaids and told my mum to remember my passport cuz the cinema might not believe I was 15. Anyway we're half way to the station and my mum suddenly blurts out that she has forgotten my passport and blames me for not reminding her enough (she asks me to remind her of things and then accuses me of treating her like an invalid when I do) after a firm and uncomfortable man handle she runs back to the house while me and my sister walk the rest of the way (oh yeah we walked because mum wanted to get drunk) ALL the way to the station my sister moans about how she has never been asked for ID at the cinema. After a long wait mum informs me that she had taken a taxi back from the house and remarked on how cheap it was thus rendering the fact that we WALKED completely pointless. After a short train journey of mum asking very specific questions whilst answering her question in her question and still expecting an answer we got there. Bridesmaids was as quotable as Mean Girls and waaaay more hilarious. Then we all got drunk and got a taxi home driven by a Mr Brian something-begining-with-C

(EDIT) Oh but what was good was that my dad remembered my birthday and left a card through the letterbox. I am pretty sure my mum had to text him this morning though.