Monday 18 July 2011


If some people get into dancing at 3 (as many of my friends have) or maybe 4 and then grow out of the need to dance about 10 years later. Does that mean that I (started to like dancing at 9) will loose the need to dance at 19 and if so will it be too late to pursue a different career in... say set/lighting design, costume design or fashion the things that require education from a young age, education that I will miss out on because of dance.

And what really scares me is that I have already started to be bored with ballet and actually dread standing at the barre.

Dance is far too lonely for a person who is affected by their environment like me. The fewer the people in the room the sadder I feel, the gloomier the sky the more lonely I feel. But the end product of dancing on the stage is wonderful but it is not enough to out weigh the misery of teachers that I could be smarter than bitching and moaning whilst trying to be the inspirational person that pupils remember for their whole lives but really end up spouting in-comprehensible crap about turning out from the thigh and feeling the monotonous drone of music that our pianists play (Mr Evans excluded ((he's a pure sex bomb)))

I think it would be all right if NEDS didn't exist (that would always help) it would be easier and if the teachers "coughMsWillardcough" were a little less of an endless pit of cliches and utter mean... nes.

Am I scared of changing professions so quickly because I'm afraid of loosing my friends, well yes that's the main reason. If the dance school were a little less of a safe welcoming haven of nice people then I would leave straight away and follow my whims of an interest in theatre technology and fashion.