Saturday 4 June 2011

Oh Ja'mie

Wife beaters and rapists are nearly all public school educated...sorry, no offense, but it's true

Oh my God, public schools are so random! 

I think they chose me because I'm a real good ambassador for the school since I'm the smartest non-Asian in year 11. I'm also good at sport and the other things Asians can't do.

I think that its a dumb thing, I think that a lot of public school people are really dumb, and I think that's not really their fault, that's the thing. It comes from their parents.

Just because I'm rich doesn't mean I'm a bitch

 I try and avoid other cultures at all costs.

Ja'mie: So who are like the really, like, the hot girls in Year 11, like, the really popular ones?
Ashleigh: Well there's Holly and her friends but their bitches.
Ja'mie: Oh, Are they mean to you?
Ashleigh: Yes.
Ja'mie: Can you introduce me to them?

I don't want to be a bitch but you guys are really boring

Oh my God I love disabled people. We don't have them at our school. We've got like one burns victim but um we don't have any mentally retarded people. 

My breasts would of been bigger but I had an eating disorder in Year 8 so they didn't develop properly.

They set me up with this girl called Ashleigh, and she's suppose to like take me around to her classes and introduce me to her friends and stuff. And seriously like I don't want to be a bitch, but she's like the fugliest girl i have ever met in my life. 

Ja'mie: So what do you wanna know about me?
Sebastian: Um...have you gone out with any other guys?
Ja'mie: Yeah, I've had 11 actual boyfriends and I've pashed, like, 135 guys. 

Ja'mie: I love peace. Are you into peace?
Sebastian: Yeah.
Ja'mie: I would never go out with a guy that wasn't into peace. I love your personality, Sebastian. You're just so out there.

No offense, but I seriously hate all fat people

Ja'mie: Seriously, Bec, Qantas is doing some good deals on one-way tickets to China. Why don't you buy one?
Bec: I'm not even from China! I'm from Singapore, you idiot!
Ja'mie: Asia, China, same thing. 

Ja'mie: You're the biggest slut in the whole school.
Ms. Dean: Ja'mie!
Jess: How would you know?
Ja'mie: Because everyone talks about it behind your back! 

Ja'mie: Um, well, the reason I called this session, and thanks, Ms. Dean, for running it, um, is because yesterday everyone was being a total bitch to me and I'm a guest at this school and...that you should be really nice to me.
Ms. Dean: OK, yes, Holly?
Holly: Can I just explain? Um, Ja'mie actually published this photo of us on the internet that said we were "povo public school skanks"...
Ja'mie: As a joke.
Holly: And she said that Kaitlyn was a "Housing Commission whore" and that I needed a breast reduction.
Ja'mie: Oh, miss, tell them it's a joke.

Why are you the biggest bitch in the world to me? I'm 16, Mum. In a couple of years time, I'm gonna be fucking out of your life. I'm not even going to fucking invite you to my wedding!

Ja'mie: Why don't you go fuck yourself, public school bitch?
Holly: Chill out, Ja'mie. You're really embarrassing yourself.
Ja'mie: You know what would be embarrassing? Having your head. 

Ja'mie: Guys, just learn what a sense of humour is, OK? It was a joke.
Holly: Um, you called Kaitlyn a "Housing Commission whore". It's not funny.
Kaitlyn: I mean, I live in a townhouse, not Housing Commission.
Jess: Yeah and you called me a "Clearasil before shot".
Ja'mie: Guys, seriously, build a bridge and get over it. 

Ja'mie: A school that bans formals, is a school that bans life. Summer Heights High, you should be ashamed of yourself. Firstly, formals can give hope. They give povo people something to live for. Lack of formals in a school can also seriously affect the development of a girl. Without formals, you can seriously stunt girls socially and physically. No offence, but it's not exactly fun around here. A Year 11 formal could do so much for this school. Let me explain. Formals bring people together. They bring groups together and remove the apartheid of the playground. 
Holly: Emos.
Ashly: Christians.
Bec: Asians.
Kaitlyn: Skanks.
Jess: Lesbians.
Ja'mie: And hot girls all come together at the formal. It's a social and cultural melting pot that goes off.
Holly: Emos can dance with the jocks.
Ashly: Christians sit with skanks.
Bec: Asians share limos with Lesbians.
Ja'mie: And my group talks to the fugly girls. That's right - formals bring people together!

 I'd rather be a pedophile then a lesbian, seriously! 

Um, I don't wanna look... I don't wanna look slut. Like, not slut, but sort of semi-slut. Do you know what I mean?